
Download enter the dominatrix
Download enter the dominatrix

"You're just afraid to give up control," she insisted. Leena wanted to bring her expertise into my bedroom. Things were going swimmingly, until she broached her surprise, for although I was willing to shrug off her non- museum-related activities, she didn't want to. Athletic and energetic, she brought vigor and creativity to our evenings together. Widely read and opinionated, she relished debate. "Won't you join us?" I offered, crossing my legs. She produced a torch lighter, put my cigar between her lips and rotated it over the flame until the tip was glowing cheerfully, then handed it back to me with a smile of mischief. "May I?" she asked, reaching for my cigar. Scotch in hand, my guests and I loosened our ties, and I asked a passing server for a box of wooden matches. I was disappointed to find myself seated with my back to her. Looking up from the fashion magazine on her lap, she treated me to a brilliant and very direct smile, as my friends and I sat at an adjacent table. She was alone, wearing a simple yet spectacular summer dress and open-toed heels. I'd noticed Leena, of course, the instant we walked in. I was in town for a few months, working on a project, and some colleagues decided to end the week by wasting our hard-earned money on unhealthy things shipped in from Scotland and Cuba. We'd met a month previously, at a cigar terrace in Belgravia. And apparently, Leena rather enjoyed her work. Apparently, there is surprisingly high demand for such services in the City. Apparently, there is a kind of therapeutic value to what she does for her clients. Instead, I asked her to please tell me more about her sideline business.Īpparently, it involved no actual sexual contact.

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Still, I congratulated myself that, as Leena's warm brown eyes tracked my face, I displayed no sign of dismay, disorientation or disapproval. But I've never devoted any thought to the practice. And I'm aware that there exists a widespread subculture of BDSM enthusiasts. I've administered a measured spank or two, when it seemed appropriate. I admit, the whole domination-submission thing is beyond my ken. So when Leena revealed that she had a part-time job outside her work at a London museum, I was struck dumb for only a moment.

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I'm young enough to be comfortable with novel things and old enough to have visited many of the world's odder nooks and crannies. I consider myself a thoroughly modern fellow.

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